31 Scriptures about Being Still
June 2nd, 2022
Being still -- what a challenge for us today with our hurried schedules and responsibilities. But Oswald Chambers reminds us: 'The busyness of things obscures our concentration on God." With our atten...  Read More
Let It Go
May 21st, 2022
Over the years I have learned, when God tells me to eliminate a weed from my life, I can't just chop it off or cut it down. I must dig deep and remove the roots so that none of the weed will grow bac...  Read More
Singing the Song of Our Salvation
May 19th, 2022
While Miriam is perhaps a lesser-known woman of the Bible, she was given a front-row seat to some of the most dramatic miracles in history, starting with the one that unfolded on the banks of the Nile...  Read More
When Bad Things Become Good Testimonies
May 13th, 2022
In Romans 8:28, God promises everything will all be good, right? In truth, sometimes everything is not good. Sometimes we lose, sometimes we fail, sometimes the relationship is not mended, sometimes ...  Read More
Coping with the Loss of Your Mom on Mother's Day
May 5th, 2022
Another Mother’s Day is upon us and admittedly my emotions are all over the chart. I lost my sweet mama three years ago and the thought of not celebrating with her is surreal. Some days the tears just...  Read More
Sharing Your Faith Story
May 4th, 2022
If you’ve ever struggled to put into words how God has been at work in your life, this article is for you! I’d love to be your Susan – to help put your faith stories into words so that other people in...  Read More
Scriptures about Testify
April 29th, 2022
Are you afraid to share your personal testimony with others? Are you thinking, why? What’s the point? Or, if you do share, are you worried you might say something wrong?...  Read More
God Knew We Would Need Grace
April 26th, 2022
Her husband served the Lord faithfully for years. Now he was gone, and the grief crippled her. To make matters worse, she had no way to pay the bills. Bill collectors kept calling. Would her sons have...  Read More
Hanging On To Threadbare Hope
April 22nd, 2022
SHE WAS AT THE END OF HER ROPE. She ignored her gnawing hunger as she walked past the fish market and the baker’s cart, smelling warm bread as she passed. Her mind churned on overdrive, replaying the ...  Read More
Praying For Your Church
April 15th, 2022
What might happen if the people of today’s church began praying in earnest for our churches and church leaders? Can you just imagine a powerful flood of revival washing through our churches and out in...  Read More
Seeking Answers for Autism
April 13th, 2022
We didn’t know what autism was and didn’t know anyone with a child with autism. Googling autism back then made his future look grim, leading to more calls from friends, now with questions....  Read More
Scriptures About Hope
March 31st, 2022
What is hope? Is it a wishy- washy maybe or a kind of unsure optimism? The modern idea of hope is “to wish for, to expect, but without certainty of the fulfillment; to desire very much, but with no re...  Read More


